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2016 McIntosh County Agriculturist Award
Neu Way Farms was presented the 2016 McIntosh County Agriculturist Award in Fargo, ND on Nov. 4, 2016 where we attended a dinner and awards celebration. This event recognizes the efforts of leading agriculturists and the impact the industry has on the area. The Harvest Bowl promotes agriculture as it honors individuals and commodity groups.
On Saturday, November 5th, we toured the NDSU Greenhouse Complex and the NDSU Beef Cattle Research Complex, followed by NDSU Bison Football tailgating and game against Youngstown State.
We were also honored in Ashley on Jan. 25, 2017 at the Agriculture Appreciation Banquet which is organized by the McIntosh County Ag Improvement Association, the Soil Conservation District Board, NRCS, and NDSU – McIntosh County Extension Office. This event honors the Harvest Bowl recipients and the Soil Conservation District County Achievement winners.